A cookie-k használatáról

A cookie-k használatáról

A cookie-k kezelése az Ön eszközén

A tartalom személyre szabásához és a jobb felhasználói élmény biztosításához cookie-kat használunk. A jelen weboldal vagy alkalmazás használatával Ön hozzájárul a cookie-k elhelyezéséhez. A cookie-kat böngészője segítségével tekintheti meg és kezelheti (lásd lent). Kérjük, vegye figyelembe, hogy a cookie-k eltávolítása vagy letiltása befolyásolhatja a felhasználói élményt, és bizonyos funkciók esetleg nem lesznek elérhetők.

A cookie-k kezelése a böngészőben

A legtöbb böngésző lehetőséget biztosít egy adott webhelyről származó cookie-k megtekintésére, kezelésére, törlésére és letiltására. Ne feledje, ha törli az összes cookie-t, akkor a bennük tárolt beállítások is elvesznek, beleértve a cookie-k fogadásának letiltását, mivel ez a funkció is megköveteli a cookie-k elhelyezését az eszközön. Az alábbiakban útmutatást talál arról, hogy a legelterjedtebb böngészőkben hogyan szabályozhatja a cookie-k használatát.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

MacOS Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

További böngészőkről és eszköztípusokról bővebb a http://www.aboutcookies.org/ vagy a http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/ weboldalon olvashat.

A statisztikai célú cookie-k kezelése

Lehetősége van arra, hogy webhelyeinken és alkalmazásainkban letiltsa anonimizált böngészési előzményei statisztikai cookie-k általi rögzítését. Ehhez a következő szolgáltatókat vesszük igénybe (az alábbi hivatkozásokra kattintva további információkat talál a szolgáltatók adatvédelmi irányelveiről és a statisztikai cookie-k letiltásának módjáról):

Adobe: http://www.adobe.com/privacy/opt-out.html

Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html

A cookie-k használata a Magora Advisors Kft: Az alábbi táblázatból megtudhatja, hogyan használjuk a cookie-kat ezen a weboldalon.


Cookie Name Purpose Type Duration
Magora Advisors Magora Advisors-id This cookie contains the encrypted email ID of the user. It is used to identify the registered user account (if available) for each request. First party, Persistent 1 day or 30 days (if “Remember me” is checked)
Magora Advisors firsttime-login This cookie is used by Magora Advisors during the registration process to ensure that any necessary password updates are completed. First party Until password update is completed
Magora Advisors Magora Advisors_overlay This cookie is used by Magora Advisors to make sure that the overlay (registration panel) opens once per browser session First party Until the end of the browser session
Facebook datr This cookie identifies the browser connecting to Facebook. It is not directly tied to individual Facebook users. Facebook reports that it is used to help with security and suspicious login activity, especially around detection of bots trying to access the service.  Facebook also says the behavioural profile associated with each datr cookie is deleted after 10 days. This cookie is also read via Like and other Facebook buttons and tags placed on many different websites. Third party, Persitent
Facebook _js_datr, _js_reg_ext_ref, _js_reg_fb_gate Third party
Google Analytics __utma This is one of the four main cookies set by the Google Analytics service which enables website owners to track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It it used to calculate new and returning visitor statistics. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. The lifespan of the cookie can be customised by website owners. First and third party 2 years from set/update
Google Analytics __utmv Used to store visitor-level custom variable data. This cookie is created when a developer uses the _setCustomVar method with a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was also used for the deprecated _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Third party 2 years from set/update
Google Analytics __utmz Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Third party 6 months from set/update
LinkedIn JSESSIONID General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written in JSP. Usually used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server. Third party Until end of session
LinkedIn lidc This cookie is used for routing from Share buttons and ad tags Third party 1 day
LinkedIn bcookie This cookie is used by LinkedIn for indentifying the Browser ID. It is set from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags. Third party 1 year
LinkedIn bscookie This cookies is used by LinkedIn to recognize a secure Browser ID. Third party 1 year
LinkedIn visit Third party
Magora Advisors Magora Advisors_closed_topics This cookies is used by Magora Advisors to help personalize the content a user sees based on topics they’ve identified they’re interested in. First party Until the end of the browser session
Magora Advisors Magora Advisors-cookie-accept This cookie stores a value “true” when a user clicks on I understand on the cookie notification banner. First party Until the end of the browser session
Magora Advisors Magora Advisors_int_usr This cookie is used by Magora Advisors to distinguish internal users from external visitors to the site. It is set when a person is accessing the website from within the Magora Advisors network (VPN or office). First party 3 months
Facebook fr


Allows control over the “Follow us on Facebook” and “Like” buttons Third Party Persistent 90 days
Google uid This is intended to be a known identifier for a user provided by the site owner/tracking library user. Third party, Persistent
Google Analytics _gat This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. It expires after 10 minutes. First party, Session 1 minute
Google Analytics _gid This cookie is used to distinguish users. It stores a unique user session identifier. First & Third party, Session 24 hours
Google Analytics _ga This cookie is typically written to the browser upon the first visit. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits Magora Advisors.com, a new _ga cookie is written with a different unique ID. In most cases, this cookie is used to determine unique visitors to Magora Advisors.com and it is updated with each page view. Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that Google Analytics uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure. First & Third party, Persistent 2 years
Google Analytics __utmb This cookie is used to determine new sessions/visits. First party 30 mins from set/update
LinkedIn BizoID LinkedIn Ad analytics Third party 6 months
LinkedIn UserMatchHistory This cookie is used by LinkedIn for advertisement analytics Third party 6 months


Ez a honlap cookie-kat használ. Kérem, engedélyezze a cookie-k használatát, vagy olvassa el Adatvédelmi Szabályzatunkat.
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